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Upcoming EVENTS, Speaking & Vendor Opportunities

Heyyyy BMB FAMILY!!!!

We have A LOT happening here as always!!! Thank you for always checking in on us and finding ways to connect!

So, I'm sure you've seen my mini and random announcements about my "Transition" and I've been getting a lot of questions about it.

Come 2024, I'll be phasing OUT of full time PR Service and INTO full time Consulting and Coaching for business owners, teaching them how to implement plans, campaigns and strategies that will propel their brands in the PR and Branding departments.

I will be sharing so much more insight, resources, contacts, systems, formatting and programs that I've used for the past 5 years, to network and expose clients. I am offering custom consulting by the hour that focuses on your specific market, goals and industry.

As a part of my Transition, I am also building and expanding more of my OWN Brands, and creating more opportunities for people to partner and collaborate with us!!

Brittany Miller Brand consists of:

BMB Branding & PR Consulting

Custom Consulting/Branding and A La Carte services purchased individually and/or by the hour. We focus on building brands, defining images and reaching both personal and professional goals. Our ideal client is someone who is dedicated, focused and ready for growth and expansion in business.

Woman to Woman Talk Magazine

A fully digital magazine and Storytelling platform for WOC, that has a focus on celebrities and public figures who are willing and passionate about being transparent for the betterment of the entire WOC Community. We offer feature opportunities, advertisements and events for those that fit our mission and narrative.

Boss Lady Blvd.

A Boss Lady HUB & Shop That focuses on The wholistically well Business Woman. We provide classes, courses, educational materials, business events and products that support the totally healthy lifestyle of the Boss Lady. We Host our annual Flowhers Awards Event and we also are a proud distributor of TLC Wellness products for weight management, energy support, nutrition/vitamins, feminine care and more! We sell Boss Lady Blvd merchandise and products as well, of course.

The Flowhers Awards

Presented by Boss Lady Blvd. The Flowhers awards is an annual event production, currently serving Philadelphia and Atlanta, that awards and celebrates WOMEN for various reasons and in various industries and roles. This mission is about Giving Her Flowhers While She’s Here. We creatively connect with women all over the nation, in order to recognize and shine a light on WOMEN who deserve their Flowhers.


A collaborative platform between Boss Lady Blvd and Woman to Woman Talk, The Blvd Debate Club serves as a podcast-like, but visual platform that showcases women who welcome a healthy debate, respectfully. We support the idea that women can disagree but still respect one another’s opinion and even learn from each other’s perspectives. This is a new and dynamic platform that is learning and growing with its unique group of supporters.

Email to Get Tickets for the Grand Debut/BIRTHDAY Celebration for Brittany Miller!

Let’s Be Women, Inc.

A Non Profit organization that aims to support WOMEN in wholistical wellness, similar to the initiatives of Boss Lady Blvd, but more targeted towards the community and general women’s population, rather than solely business women. Let’s Be Women is a safe space and resource for women of all walks to connect and become pillars to each other.

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