Mother’s Day Flash Sale!
Hey BMB Family!!!!
This is one of those GREAT times to be on our email list and ready for the deals!!!
We are excited to share EARLY with you, our Mother’s Day Flash Sale Beginning tomorrow, Friday - May 7th, 12amEST and ends on Monday - May 10th, 11:59pmEST! We are shaving some of the cost off some of our Best-Selling products/services for a few days, in light of celebrating MOTHERS and MOTHERHOOD around the world!
Use the Service list below to see our Mother’s Day Sale offers, and show it to us at sign on, to apply your discount! — Of COURSE AS BMB FAMILY you’ll get these EXTRA PERKS:
Sale for YOU Starts NOW!
Take an Extra $10 OFF your Service!
Refer a friend and get ANOTHER $10 OFF!
How to Sign on to be a New Client at Brittany Miller Brand?
Fill Out the FREE Consultation Form at, and lookout for our email to schedule it! — We will honor the date and time of your actual Consultation call as credit to make the Mother’s Day Sale, so hurry and get your forms in!
Make sure also, that you are Subscribed to our BMB Newsroom list to receive important updates and deals like this one!